About Us

Know Us!


Future World was first published in hard copy on January 15, 2001. We are your authentic voice for development journalism. We give priority to human interest reports and stories that promote sustainable development.

Our Mission

“To practice simple development journalism”

How We Do It

By highlighting trends in global economy and politics; business and finance; sports and entertainment; technology and entrepreneurship; health and education; religion and society; family and lifestyle.

Our Professional Focus

We practice development journalism, not destructive journalism. We are the alternative voice to mainstream journalism. We report news, events, and features from a development perspective. We provide information that educates, entertains, brightens, brings comfort, adds value, lifts burdens, and assuages our readers.

Our Priority

By reporting on key issues such as work ethics, institutional leadership, and individual responsibility, Future World examines how civility and citizenship promote democratic ethics, political stability, and economic prosperity. Through news, features, analyses, interviews, and profiles, we bring you facts and informed comments on a wide range of development issues.

Reportorial liberty

In writing news reports or feature articles for the magazine, we not only state the hard facts, but also include personal comments that interpret the situation. However, we do not tell our readers what to believe. That’s their choice.

Our Stand

We are committed to objective reportage of public issues. Therefore, we stand for justice, gender equity, freedom of conscience and association, free enterprise, democracy, and the rule of law.

Our Audience

Future World is published for three categories of audiences. We are particular about audience segmentation.

Our primary audience is people between ages 20-45. These people are educated, professionals, educators, entrepreneurs, and general sports enthusiasts, who want to find their way into public politics, care so much about marital relationships, children and parenting, and love entertainment. 60% of our content is created to service this category of audience.

Our secondary audience is those aged 46-65 years. These are particularly interested in politics and governance, business and investments, retirement and pensions, parenting grandchildren, and lifestyle sports like golf and squash. 30% of our content is created to attend to them.

Our tertiary audience is those from 65. These are senior citizens. We report on those issues that concern them including health, etc.

Our People

Our Editors, Reporters, Guest Writers, and Columnists embody moderate, non-sensational, non-destructive, development journalists and public commentators.

Article Submissions

Future World welcomes unsolicited articles, commentaries, and opinions that inform, educate, and entertain our readers and promote societal development.

Articles, commentaries, and opinions must be well-researched and written in a non-technical style. Authors are encouraged to submit relevant pictures that illustrate their materials.

Our Editors determine the acceptability of such materials for publication having made sure they align with House Style.

All articles, commentaries, and opinion materials should be sent to email: articles@futureworld.com.ng

We are responsible to our readers, our advertisers, our staff, and to society in general.

Future World is published as a member of the FLED GROUP.



All correspondence to:  The Editor


Plot MF57 Cadastral Zone, KMC Street

Off NNPC Filling Station

Karu Site, Abuja

Email: editor@futureworld.com.ng

Tel: +234-906 306 9744

+234 -708 015 7176

Email: info@futureworld.com.ng



Dr. Joseph Chinenyeze Ibekwe



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