Abuja Y’s Men Host District Governor

Y’s Men International Club Holds Reception in Honour of District Governor
The Y’s Men International Club, Abuja Chapter held a welcome reception for the Nigeria’s District Governor, Tunji Makinde on Sunday November 8, 2020 in Abuja
The event took place at IBI Center, Discovery Mall, Wuse 2, Abuja.

In his welcome remarks, Chapter President, Joseph Ibekwe expressed delight in receiving the DG to Abuja Club, after its inauguration in August 2019 and subsequent Charter from Y’s Men Geneva Headquarters, in April 2020.
He informed the DG, Y’s Man Tunji, that Abuja Club is the first to Club to receive Charter in the whole of Northern Nigeria in the past 37 years, after the Charter of Kaduna Club in 1983.
Y’s Man Joseph highlighted the target of Abuja Club during his tenure, 2020/2022. This include: creation of Abuja Y’s Youth Club; sponsorship of New Y’s Men’s Clubs in Abuja; regular payment of all dues; support for the YMCA to implement legacy community service projects; participation in local & international meetings; and hosting of the 2021 Africa North West Regional Convention in Abuja City in 2021.

In a similar vein, the District Governor made a training presentation to explain Y’s Men International, its leadership structure, philosophy, challenges of Y’sdom in Africa and the Way Forward. He also presented his pet project which he tagged The Basketball Revolution. The project will involve the construction of smart Basketball Courts in 12 key pilot locations within Nigeria District, and possible extension to other locations subject to funding availability.
It should be recalled that the game of basketball was first invented by the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) in 1891 in Springfield USA.

The colourful event was attended by other Club members including Joseph Dazema, Club Secretary; Jonathan Gyoube, Club Treasurer; Timothy Lakpa, Bulletin Editor; Maryann Ibekwe, CSD Youth Involvement/Exchange Programmes; and Bolly Avong, CSD Membership Services.
Also in attendance were Barr. Eddie Inegedu, Branch Chairman of Abuja Main YMCA; Mr. Sunday Ejike, Hon. Secretary, YMCA of Abuja Main and Engr. Haruna Yaroson, son of late Engr. Garba Yaroson, former President of the World Alliance of YMCAs, and Sola Imolaolu, President Youth for Christ Nigeria.
Members, took turns to pledge their support to the success of Abuja Y’s Men Club and the YMCA.

Y’s Men was founded in Toledo, Ohio, USA in 1922, by Paul Williams Alexander, a lawyer, to support a local YMCA. Presently, the organization exists in about 100 countries around the world. It has a consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council – ECOSOC. For more information about the organisation Click here