Ecosystem of Transformational leaders

Join the Ecosystem of Transformational leaders

I want to introduce you to FLED International Leadership Institute!
Yes, FLED Institute is the place for you.
You see, there are two important investments you need to make for your long-term professional success

The good news is that FLED INSTITUTE gives you access to these two life investment opportunities!

Of course, everyone suffers when leaders under-perform or they don’t lead well. That’s the reason forward-thinking organizations recruit and promote their staff, not only on the basis of technical competencies, but also based on leadership capacities.
Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such mix of high technical and leadership competencies in one person.

In normal situations, people enroll in school to be trained as lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, pilots, journalists, accountants, nurses, auditors, fire fighters, security personnel, and as professionals of various shades.
But who trains these professionals for public leadership?
Which educational institutions train professionals to function as transformational leaders? Maybe none you can think of!
Yet, individual professionals like you are expected to offer transformational leadership in your position of public responsibility. This is a case of high expectations, but little training!

In fact, without leadership training, you are a liability to the growth, profitability and sustenance of your organization.

FLED INSTITUTE is here to help you get over this challenge.
For more than 20 years, FLED Institute has provided training in leadership, networking opportunities and peer-learning experiences for transformational leaders.

Members of FLED Institute are a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural cream of professionals who are committed to Africa’s transformation, one community at a time.
We invite you to join this community of system thinkers and system builders.
FLED Institute is a Africa’s graduate leadership school
We look forward to receiving you!