By Maji Daniel McCoy
Hello there, thou sky animal.
How do you do? Earth scavenger.
alas! I am no scavenger!
i am only a humble mice, out to find lunch.
my father said thy kind are, scavengers,
and father is always right.
Ahh, but of course, thine father,
feathery, sky animal dripping of awesomeness.
all sky animals are feathery, and awesome.
you speak as if we quarrel darling.
I am not thine darling!
everything in me says thou art.
there is no correspondence between sky animals and scavengers,
thus saith my father. Therefore, depart on thy way!
do not be too fast to flee, I plea.
for why build walls instead of bridges?
lo, the sky and Earth are one. but thou, thou differentiate us.
thy beliefs are thine, and mine, mine. That is that.
if it be so, why haven’t thou taken flight?
thou knows, that thine father’s precepts are wrong.
well, to that, I have no comments.
I never asked for any my darling,
come now, dine with me. This is earth meal, it is called a Mushroom.
WALLS is born out of a compelling desire for individuals from differing backgrounds, riddled and raised with opinions, ideas, motives and views about others to find a common place for friendship and even love. We are all living, breathing entities at the end of the day. That is what should matter, not tribe, nor race, nor religion, nor profession.
© Maji Daniel McCoy